TLDB: Turkana Literacy and Development Bureau
About TLDB
TLDB is a local NGO in Lodwar town. It was started 1997 as a result of consultations between community members, local leaders and institutions operating in Turkana who saw literacy as a need and key to development.
It was registered on 9th September 1999 by Kenya National NGOs Board under Section 10 of the Kenya non-governmental organizations Coordination Act; Certificate No. OP.218/051/98172/1142.
It exists to take part in combating dominant problems in the district, namely: illiteracy, Peace and conflict resolutions, HIV/AIDS, famine and droughts.
Literacy and Education
- Reading, Writing and Numeracy
- Non-formal Education
- Civic Education
- Production of Literacy Materials
- Turkana District Education Database
- Capacity building for communities and Self- help groups.
- Functional Literacy (through IGAs).
- HIV/AIDS awareness programme, Constitutional of Kenya Review process.
- Peace building and Conflict Management.
- Coordinating activities of fisher people in the North Rift.
TLDB seeks to achieve holistic and sustainable development in Turkana, through relevant participatory development approaches, with literacy and education being instrumental in the realization of the same.