Turkana Literacy and Development Bureau is a Local NGO in Turkana Working with the Community to realize Development through Functional Literacy, Peace Building and Conflict Reduction.
Our mission is to Empower.
TLDB exists to take part in combating dominant problems in Turkana, namely: illiteracy, conflicts, HIV/AIDS, famine and droughts.
Turkana County
Turkana County is a county in the former Rift Valley Province of Kenya. Turkana is the largest and also the north-western most county in Kenya.
- Poverty Level: 95% of population live below poverty line
- Age Dependency Ratio: 89.4
TLDB is Working with the Community to realize Development through Functional Literacy, Peace Building and Conflict Reduction
Support our projects... We need your help.
Turkana Literature
Production of Literacy Materials
Community Engagement
Community Events
Organizing community events and literature distribution.
List of Literature
The Bible
Ngakiro Naajokak